Thursday, December 4, 2008

Survey Results! At least partially...

Thanks to everyone who participated in LDS Environmental Survey! The results are available here.

Only the results of the individual questions are currently available, correlated results are not yet available. So for instance, you will be able to see how many survey takers were from Australia, but you won't be able to see how they answered the other questions. In the upcoming weeks (months?) we hope to upload additional analysis, including possible correlations between demographic characteristics and environmental thought.

The data does not represent a random sample. So just because 30% or so of the survey takers are politically moderate, that percentage is meaningless for any other group of people.

There is a wide spectrum of views out there. Just look at the data.

My favorite responses came from the political identity question. One of the respondents claimed to be a "Jedi" politically. Another responder wrote that they do not belong to any political ideology, but rather they take good from wherever they find it. I couldn't agree more.


Finally, thanks again to Bryce and Peter. Their help made the survey possible!