Sunday, January 20, 2008

Commentary: My Adgenda

If you are anything like me, then you approach the so-called bloggernacle with an ounce of suspicion. When I visit a new blog or read a new post, I quickly try to determine if it is “virtuous, lovely and of good report.” Although I admit to sometimes reading posts that aren't lovely, but merely interesting or amusing. For the most part, I have been pleasantly surprised by the many intelligent and uplifting writings that are being posted. In fact, I am a little jealous of the writing and academic talents on display in the bloggernacle.

The agenda of Latter-Day Sustainability.

In hopes of mitigating suspicion, I will use this post to freely share my agenda for Latter-Day Sustainability.

Latter-Day Sustainability has one goal: To encourage good stewardship of God’s Creation.

I hope to achieve this goal in the following ways:

1. By providing a resource where interested parties can learn what church leaders, church members, and especially the Scriptures have to say about consumption, sustainability and environmental topics.
2. By providing a forum where consumption, sustainability and environmental topics can be discussed from an LDS perspective.

To very loosely paraphrase Joseph Smith, “I [am compiling a list of links to help people learn] correct principles, and [am hoping that they will] govern themselves [sustainably].”

What Latter-Day Sustainability is not.

Obviously I don’t speak for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Nor do I speak for any other organization, group, or specific cause.

This blog is not about pushing environmental politics and green guilt-trips. I am trying to avoid controversial issues that tend to polarize and divide, though I may end up writing about specific issues on occasion (time will tell). Be sure to point out if ever I stray.

Why sustainability?

This is the short answer (in Mormon speak): Because I have a testimony of our responsibility as stewards of God’s Creation.

Elder Oaks gave a great talk entitled Good, Better, Best. Some might put sustainability into the “good” category. I confess that when compared to the things of eternity, temporal issues like sustainability may not fall in the category of “best” or even “better.” However, I would point out that Earth is spiritual as well as temporal (Moses 3:5), and that the Lord saw fit to dedicate small portions of the Scriptures for instruction on environmental stewardship issues. Thus, I am content to hope that Latter-Day Sustainability will fill a small, if only “good” niche.

Just for fun, what other small–but-“good” niches haven’t been filled in the bloggernacle? Any Mormon Mariners fans out there?


mhcs said...

Dude! You read my mind!

Haven't posted in a while, but with today being MLK day that is about to change. I look forward to seeing more of your work, perhaps we could join forces. : )

L-D Sus said...

Thanks for stopping by. You should also check out Green Mormon Architect (see link below).

From you comments, it appears that you are well read (and well written?) on this topic. I'm glad to have made contact. I'll be sure to link your blog.

AKfitknit said...

I look forward to reading your blog, as so many that talk about this subject take positions that are in direct opposition to gospel teachings.
